Session 4 Quiz: Proposal Administrative Details 21 Session 4 Quiz: Proposal Administrative Details 1 / 6 Who can create a new eRA Commons ID affiliated with Stanford? OSR Contracts Office Research Process Manager (RPM) at RMG Department/Division Manager Create your own and affiliate it to Stanford afterward. 2 / 6 Where can you go to look up a Commons username for anyone else at Stanford? ASSIST NIH Grants Policy Statement DoResearch eRA Commons Admin / Delegations tab 3 / 6 Where can you go to look up Stanford’s Employer Identification Number? ASSIST NIH Grants Policy Statement DoResearch eRA Commons Status tab 4 / 6 A subaward site must submit a minimum of four documents to complete a subaward proposal. Which four? OSR Form 33, budget, budget justification, and statement of work OSR Form 33, facilities, biosketch, and budget Letter of support, budget, budget justification, and biosketch Letter of support, facilities, equipment, and budget 5 / 6 A consultant must submit a minimum of two documents to participate in a proposal. Which two? OSR Form 33 and biosketch OSR Form 33 and signed letter of support Signed letter of support and biosketch Signed letter of support and budget 6 / 6 All but one of the below types of Stanford employees need a PI waiver. Which one does not? Postdoctoral Fellow Clinician Educator Research Scientist University Tenure Line Faculty Your score is The average score is 71% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart quiz